15 de junho de 2009
8 de junho de 2009
2 de junho de 2009
UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Talks
Inicia-se hoje, em Bona, mais um encontro que prepara o COP 15, ou seja, a cimeira que entre 7 e 18 de Dezembro, em Copenhaga, dentro de apenas 188 dias, procurará preparar o período pós-Protocolo de Quioto de forma a reduzir drasticamente as emissões de gases de efeito de estufa. A diferença entre este encontro e os anteriores é que, pela primeira vez, não se debaterão apenas ideias, mas analisar-se-á um primeiro esboço escrito de tratado que visa regular as emissões daqueles gases. A forma como decorrer o encontro de Bona ditará muito provavelmente o sucesso ou insucesso da cimeira de Copenhaga.
A "Pleasant Revolution Music Tour" chegou ao fim
"On Halloween 2007, The Ginger Ninjas, and guest SHAKE YOUR PEACE!, launched the epic “Pleasant Revolution Bicycle Music Tour” from N. San Juan, California, heading 5000 miles down to the southern end of Mexico. There are no sag-wagons nor buses hauling our gear. Everything, including the 1000 Watt human-powered PA System, is hauled entirely on bicycle. The tour comes in the wake of the excitement at the first ever Bicycle Music Festival, Aug. 11, 2007, which announced the emerging bicycle-music movement to the world like a piano dropped from a 24th floor window announces itself to a San Francisco sidewalk: with life-altering momentum, filled with melodies, and destroying the oft-trod roads of old. Music and bicycles—universal symbols of humility, openness and connection, elements of our common humanity, and paragons of low-tech sustainability—become vehicles for seeing the world at human speed.
From the Sierra Nevada through the suburban wastelands and urban decay of southern California, over the world’s busiest border crossing, across the wilderness and austere beauty of Baja, into the heart of megapolitan Mexico City, and down to the land of mystic pyramids, the team will play shows, record music with local musicians, and advocate for a leapfrog-style transition to sustainable transportation.
The team comes with the message that bikes are an essential and beautiful part of a sustainable transportation system and that Mexico still has the opportunity to skip US-style development and our suburbanized cult of the car."
From the Sierra Nevada through the suburban wastelands and urban decay of southern California, over the world’s busiest border crossing, across the wilderness and austere beauty of Baja, into the heart of megapolitan Mexico City, and down to the land of mystic pyramids, the team will play shows, record music with local musicians, and advocate for a leapfrog-style transition to sustainable transportation.
The team comes with the message that bikes are an essential and beautiful part of a sustainable transportation system and that Mexico still has the opportunity to skip US-style development and our suburbanized cult of the car."
Planet Bike

Provavelmente é a mais séria das empresas que opera no mercado ciclável (embora o mercado para eles seja algo de muito relativo). Na Planet Bike comprometeram-se a entregar 25% dos seus lucros para cycling advocacy. Tendo em conta que a maioria das empresas atribui "apenas" 1-2% para defesa desta causa, e sabendo-se que outras, muito boas, chegam aos 10%, imagine-se o compromisso que a fasquia de 25% representa. O segredo? uma imensa qualidade em todos os produtos em carteira e uma elevada satisfação do cliente, mas sobretudo ideias muito claras acerca do negócio e do que defendem.
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